FSO Layman’s Guide

ICMSF’s A Simplified Guide to Understanding and Using Food Safety Objectives and Performance Objectives (the FSO layman’s guide) was first issued in 2005 in English. It was then translated into French, Portuguese, Spanish and Bahasa Indonesia.

  • Illustrated ICMSF Simplified Guide to Understanding and Using Food Safety Objectives and Performance Objectives

  • Guia simplificada para el entendimiento y uso de Objetivos de Inocuidad de los Alimentos y Objetivos de Rendimiento

  • Guia simplificado para a compreensão e uso de Objetivos de Inocuidade de Alimentos (FSO) e Objetivos de Desempenho (PO)

  • Guide simplifié pour la compréhension et l’utilisation des Objectifs de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments et des Objectifs de Performances

ICMSF is grateful for excellent illustrative work of Mr Tatsuya Minamoto (Senior Consultant & Illustrator Specialised in Food industry, Legend Applications, Inc., Phone: +81-3-6203-0571, E-mail: minamoto-ta@legendapl.com) and facilitation by ICMSF member Dr Fumiko Kasuga that resulted in a 2015 version of the layman’s guide in an additional language – the language of cartoons.